Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Peas in a Pod

When I was a primary school we sang a lot. It remains a joke with those I see from school we all remember the various songs we were made to sing in assembly, and though many of them seem too religious for schools today they do not fail to make me laugh. One of my faves was a song about vegetables, yes you read that right, I have no clue what the song in question was called, I'm gonna call it Cauliflowers Fluffy as i'm having a total memory blank as of the actual title. The line that was stuck in my head goes something like 'the broad beans are sleeping in their blankety bed', it makes me nostalgic, it makes me hum incessantly and most of all it makes me bloody hungry...

So without further adieu here is my recipe for a very tasty summer salad.

You need broad beans, lots of broad beans (about 200gms shelled weight). It's an utter pain to prepare them, the podding and shelling takes a while but they are definitely worth it for the short period of the year they're available. So sit down put on some music and shell away.

You'll end up with something like this.

Boil the podded peas, and then take off the shell to be left with perfectly boiled, shelled, podded broad beans.

Now this really isn't a strict recipe, it's more of an assembly job.

Broad beans go so well with a lot of summery big flavours, chilli, mint, basil, chorizo, smashed as a base for some grilled fish.

For my dinner I had some creamy mozzarella in the fridge, some red chilli, and some delicious parma ham. Dressed with a tangy olive oil, lemon, sea salt and pepper dressing. Delish! Try it while you can.

While you're at it please youtube 'Cauliflowers fluffy' see if you remember it from school. I guarantee it'll be in your head for days.

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